According to the fact of our marshalling stations, taking advantage of the system engineering, the paper details on the system of compiling phase plan and probes the ADSS's structure, funtion and achievement. 本文从我国编组站的实际出发,利用系统工程的思想,对阶段计划编制系统进行详细的分析,对阶段计划计算机辅助决策系统的结构、功能和实现过程进行了初步探讨。
By analyzing general methods used in compiling synthetic record, taking consideration of the seismic and geological data of the study area, a useful optimal method, which emphasized the wavelet extraction method and the deviation caused by wavelet phase, was presented to make synthetic seismic records. 通过对合成记录制作的一般方法进行分析,结合研究区实际地质、地震资料,提出合成记录的制作在层位标定中的实用优化方法,强调了子波的提取方法和子波相位引起的偏差。
Without compiling, designer can display design interface, so it is very suitable for use in project design and analysis, phase interface, helping developers to quickly and effectively finish work interface design. 开发人员不需要编译便能够展现出设计界面,因此它非常适合用在项目界面分析与设计阶段,帮助开发人员快速而有效地完成界面设计工作。